Пятница, 07.02.2025, 15:55


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Like Light to the Flies

Behold our beloved revels in tragedy(in tragedy)
Self-denying avarice for bloodshed
Behold hypocrite

Those who run will be burned X4

Devoutly wished for blinded eyes
This tragedy's like light to flies
IT seems to suit you better bleeding out the eyes(bleeding out the eyes)
hope's left in chain suspension,
Holding onto lies to make the truth

Behold our beloved revels in tragedy(in tragedy)
Self-denying avarice for bloodshed
Behold hypocrite

Devoutly wished for blinded eyes
This tragedy's like light to flies
IT seems to suit you better bleeding out the eyes(bleeding out the eyes)
hope's left in chain suspension,
Holding onto lies to make the truth



Devoutly wished for blinded eyes
This tragedy's like light to flies
IT seems to suit you better bleeding out the eyes(bleeding out the eyes)
hope'sleft in chain suspension,
Holding onto lies to make the truth
IT seems to suit you better bleeding out the eyes(bleeding out the eyes)
hope'sleft in chain suspension,
Holding onto lies to make the truth

Категория: Тексты песен | Добавил: Dokken (08.04.2010)
Просмотров: 349 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 0

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